Why are donations useful?
MapOSMatic is a project entirely developed and maintained by a
team of volunteers (see our About page for
details). However, running the MapOSMatic service and making improvements to it
has various costs beyond the time of the volunteer developers.
Therefore, we are currently seeking donations to help us
- Participation to the transportation expenses of the
MapOSMatic developers when they gather for hackfests (meeting of
developers). You can read our blog to
learn more about what we achieve during those hackfests. We usually implement a
huge number of improvements, new features and bug fixes during those meetings.
They take place during the holidays of the developers, and we would like to at
least compensate their travel expenses.
Considering making a donation?
Donations can be done through the well-known PayPal service. We accept donations of any
amount: all donations are helpful, even the smallest ones.