MapOSMatic hackfest, start of day 5

On Monday and Tuesday, we have started to work on more difficult bugs and elaborated features.

Thomas has tried to find why the one-way street arrows on the MapQuest style sheet are wrongly placed. In fact, he found a bug in Mapnik2. But there are still some strange things occurring with this style sheet. :-)

Sylvain and myself (David), we have worked on a new “Black & White” style sheet. This style sheet is a derived version of original OSM Mapnik style sheet that contains less colours, for example on roads or buildings. This style sheet should produce much more readable maps when printing on black and white printers.

Étienne, Thomas and Gaël have started to work on an old feature request: maps cut into several pages, with a common street index. This feature is complex and difficult to implement, thus there is not much to show right now. Stay tuned! ;-)

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