MapOSMatic hackfest, start of day 7

Yesterday, Thomas and myself made significant progress on the ulti-page rendering engine! We are now able to produce a PDF file of a city on several pages, with a small map overlap between each page. We also produce the global index at the end that references the correct square on each page. You can see the current work in progress on this map of Issy-les-Moulineaux (PDF, 9MB).

On his side, Gaël continued his previous work on improving the scaling code of ocitysmap, our back-end rendering code until a suitable patch could be sent to our mailing-list. He then started to work on the Javascript code used on the client side of MapOSMatic. Apparently there are lot of small stuff to fix and doing this is not that easy. :-)

On his side, Frédéric worked on the style-sheets, trying to understand how they are organized and making improvements on the installation documentation.

Today, Étienne will join us again. We have still a lot of work to do before the end of this week! Stay tuned… ;-)

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